Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Move on you... "pedophobiac"

Yesterday was my rest day, normally I’d spend an hour at the gym or out jogging right after work. But yesterday, I was still strained from the ‘superset’ attempt suggested by my spotter a day before (I should've said No..).
The evening was spent sitting in the living room cuddling with dear missus and watching our latest creation - a 3 ½ year old daughter and 2 ½ year old son. My son was with his favorite car zooming in and out of the living room, my daughter was glued to her GameBoy (with the latest game we bought – Piglet and Pooh) and eldest daughter was in her room with a 50/50 chance of either doing her homework or dancing in front of a mirror. The TV, well, it was always tuned to Nickelodeon though the kids were not even watching (nobody dare to change channel!)
Sitting there looking at them was like a therapy to a tired soul. Though the yelling, screaming and ear piecing resonance at time the nuisance to us parents, these actually make our life beautiful. I’m pondering how lucky I am to be blessed with children. "You'll never know how happy children make you until you have some of your own" - this just came to my mind, and it is indeed true.
For parents, you know what I am talking about, and for those ‘planners’ …you don’t know what you’re missing…

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