Monday, March 27, 2006

Smith Wesson Semi Automatic .45 caliber

"Teacher used hammer to punish pupil"... no shit, I read this in local daily today. Can you fucking believe that! A person, given the trust to educate was acting like nothing less than a loose psychopath criminal. What’s next, a teacher uses Smith Wesson Semi Automatic .45 caliber to shoot under-performed pupil.
Though a case like this does not signify the mentality of the whole teaching profession fraternity, but it takes a nila to screw up the whole milk. In all fairness, teaching is a hell of a tough job to do, teach your kids and see. But commitment, passion and sincerity in educating tell apart the way you react to stress.

Get this; kids nowadays are getting street-smarter than ever. They are so creative and innovative in their own special way - which sometime freak us out big time. It is just us who are so conventional in term of our expectation of a smart kid. It is very much academic in nature, a string of As will be taken as smart kids, those with swerved answers in class are presumed plain dumb. It is the system we live in that makes us the way we are looking at things. We have to reset this screwed-up paradigm.

Was it recently that there was a news on a minister proposing some radical changes to our education system? I missed that one, but if there were, I’d say it is about time. We have to have a system where pupils are encourage acquiring knowledge and expressing thought rather than being pressured to memorize for one whole stretch of year-around-examination.

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