Saturday, July 29, 2006


This is my last week here before I go off for my long awaited holiday. I need the break. Last night, I cleaned up the whole old apartment, I mob the floor, cleaned the windowpane and doors, dusted the walls, cleaned up the kitchen and the finale…. cracking-down the stove (hope missus read this and says “ sweet, my hubby is cleaning up the house…”).

The stove was filthy – never knew that cuz I've never really looked or had any good motive to look at the stove before this. I had to practically use all kind of detergent, anti-grease and what-not to get the old stove spotless. The panel was sticky as dodol, oily and blackened. Scrapping the stove took my entire energy. I just could not believe layers and layers of oil that formed a good 3” of coating on the panel surface and grill (ok, may be that’s a bit exaggerating…but it is thick…).

I had to use scrapper to peel off the layers. Can you imagine it all started with a daily spattered of cooking oil that deposited here and there over a period of time to form a good stalactite-stalagmite-like formation on the panel.

This made me ponder about our health – all the saturated fat that goes in our system through the food we take everyday and how it could ultimately form a lethal coating to our arteries wall over a period of time. Scary…

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