Saturday, July 08, 2006

Moving day

Swear to God, I’ll never want to move again, not until I am parting the country for good or if there is a confirmed astronomic evidence telling me the building I am staying now is threatened by an incoming comet or some space debris. It was one helluva sweat-squeezing and strenuous chore, my weekend was fucked!

Luckily, bro called a day before we moved telling us that he had the labor ready to help out. I knew he would help…he…he bloody cold silent treatment really worked then...yes!

I was stunned the other day when he told me he could not help…man…!! what was that! I was like, shit…!! I had been helping him with all sorta shits all the way back from our bujang-days, and he was slapping right on my face with a plain NO to my only request!

It was un-fucking-believable just how much stuff we had to pack and unpack. You’d never realized just how much shitload of stuff (or junk) you have accumulated until the time you had to pack and move. Missus learned a lesson though; so in the future, whenever you are in doubt as whether to keep or to throw something, just make up your mind and throw the damn thing because chances are …you will never use the damn thing or find anything useful about it!

Six labors worked their asses up till late afternoon, man… these bunch of dudes are god-made to do this kind of hard work. They were really kicking ass - with the sizzling-heat weather and moving mess, they worked non stop. I treated them with good breakfast and lunch and at day's end, paid them well (by the prevailing standard here).

Actually, my current lease will not expire until September, but we had to move now as missus and kids will be going off for a vacation next week (…I am gonna miss them..). Basically I am paying for 2 apartments until then.

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