Saturday, October 14, 2006

A 1.6b for Youtube...*sigh*

It’s a beautiful day today, the morning started with a good weather ergo my mood goes along with it. Looking out from my 3rd floor office window, I could see herds of goats ushered along by an old lady shepherd with a stick. Hundreds of them from all kinda species, from the thick haired (resembling our Persian cat) to a normal Indian black goat you’d see back home. It is so unbelievable observing how this one lady controlling hundreds of these animals, ushering and maneuvering the herd with none dispersing out of the flock. Its kinda neat seeing this from my office. You’d see this lady strolling just behind the flock raising her stick shouting and screaming, reminiscent of a three-crowned general calling all her soldiers to take orders and march straight ahead..!! (I am sure they have a special human to nature language that I don’t understand..). Just imagine the networth of that old crusted-heel lady with hundreds of goats at an average of 1000RM each……

Now that brings me to think of the non-existence of any clear form of standard or yardstick correlating with life fulfillment. Lifestyle, money, cars, houses, fancy dine and wine etc etc these are all man-invented benchmarks, presumably applied as the correct gauge to level ones life accomplishment. This is not a always true though, think about it..

Last night I was hanging-out “sheeshaing” with regular buddy at our favorite joint. Among other smart-ass-topic-of-conversations, we were talking about the recent purchase of Youtube by Google at a hefty 1.6 fucking billions!! Youtube is a program hosting net users around the globe to post their pathetic videos on line for free. It was constructed by three young ex PayPal employees a little over a year ago. God knows how the idea was triggerred…these guys are barely 30 now, they’d probably in their early 20s when the idea crop up! At that rebellious age, whilst others would probably talk craps that revolve around sex and booze whenever they gather, these three nerds here were discussing something that are now shoving their ass up with billions. So un-fucking-believable would you say..

Now…with that much money they’re getting, I'd say what else in life that they shall struggle further for. Common sense will calculate your growing billion over an average life span of 80 years will give your life just about every-damn-thing and any-darn-thing under the sun.. need you go out busting your ass for more……………Unlike the hotmail guy who went partying non stop …(but thats another sad story altogether). I am sure for these three billionaires here, life will continue with more probable prospects and opportunity-ventures.

Like I’ve said earlier, it’s not the money, the wine and dine craps that measure your life realization, its something else that these three dudes and the old shepherd lady have in common…

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